[wpkg-users] Problem with wmi command on XP SP3
Alexandre MARCHAL
2016-02-12 10:39:09 UTC

When i try to remove a package with wmic on Windows XP SP3, i have a nice non-successful command (exit code 5)
On Windows 7 i have no problem 

ex : <remove cmd='wmic product where "name like &apos;Java 7%%&apos;" call uninstall' />

Have you any idea ???

Stefan Pendl
2016-02-12 19:18:20 UTC
Post by Alexandre MARCHAL
When i try to remove a package with wmic on Windows XP SP3, i have a
nice non-successful command (exit code 5)
On Windows 7 i have no problem ….
ex : <removecmd='wmic product where "name like &apos;Java 7%%&apos;"
call uninstall'/>
Have you checked what the error message is, if you run the command
manually from the command prompt?
*Stefan P.*

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Alexandre MARCHAL
2016-02-14 16:31:37 UTC
Hi Stefan,

when i type my command as a local administrator it works ….

I’ll already check all permissions about WMI rights for system user ….
Post by Alexandre MARCHAL
When i try to remove a package with wmic on Windows XP SP3, i have a
nice non-successful command (exit code 5)
On Windows 7 i have no problem ….
ex : <removecmd='wmic product where "name like &apos;Java 7%%&apos;"
call uninstall'/>
Have you checked what the error message is, if you run the command manually from the command prompt?
*Stefan P.*
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
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SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
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Frank Morawietz
2016-02-15 20:48:45 UTC
Hi Alexandre,
Post by Alexandre MARCHAL
when i type my command as a local administrator it works ….
I’ll already check all permissions about WMI rights for system user ….
I wonder whether this problem is related to the one we recently
discussed on this list about installing Java 8 on a 64-bit Windows.

I don't know if this is true for Windows XP as well, but you might want
to try the uninstalling with "psexec -s -i" prepended to the actual
command. (Of course, PSExec must be available and it must have been
started manually at least once to accept the license confirmation.)
Post by Alexandre MARCHAL
Post by Alexandre MARCHAL
When i try to remove a package with wmic on Windows XP SP3, i have a
nice non-successful command (exit code 5)
On Windows 7 i have no problem ….
ex : <removecmd='wmic product where "name like &apos;Java 7%%&apos;"
call uninstall'/>
Have you checked what the error message is, if you run the command manually from the command prompt?
Frank Morawietz
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Rainer Meier
2016-02-15 21:40:46 UTC
Hi Frank,
Post by Frank Morawietz
command. (Of course, PSExec must be available and it must have been
started manually at least once to accept the license confirmation.)
No need to. Just don't forget to append the /accepteula command-line switch to

SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Frank Morawietz
2016-02-16 21:05:13 UTC
Hello Rainer,
Post by Rainer Meier
Post by Frank Morawietz
command. (Of course, PSExec must be available and it must have been
started manually at least once to accept the license confirmation.)
No need to. Just don't forget to append the /accepteula command-line
switch to psexec.
thanks for revealing this secret command line switch! I couldn't find it
in PSExec's help nor in the documentation on the Sysinternals Website...

Frank Morawietz
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Stefan Pendl
2016-02-16 21:08:14 UTC
Post by Frank Morawietz
Hello Rainer,
Post by Rainer Meier
Post by Frank Morawietz
command. (Of course, PSExec must be available and it must have been
started manually at least once to accept the license confirmation.)
No need to. Just don't forget to append the /accepteula command-line
switch to psexec.
thanks for revealing this secret command line switch! I couldn't find it
in PSExec's help nor in the documentation on the Sysinternals Website...
In most cases running the utility in a command prompt with the /? help
switch will list the appropriate usage information ;-)

Example: psexec /?
*Stefan P.*

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Frank Morawietz
2016-02-16 21:12:57 UTC
Post by Stefan Pendl
Post by Frank Morawietz
Post by Rainer Meier
No need to. Just don't forget to append the /accepteula command-line
switch to psexec.
thanks for revealing this secret command line switch! I couldn't find it
in PSExec's help nor in the documentation on the Sysinternals Website...
In most cases running the utility in a command prompt with the /? help
switch will list the appropriate usage information ;-)
Example: psexec /?
Well, that's what I meant with PSExec's help. Mine doesn't list it.
Maybe it just appeared in recent versions and I need to update my PSTools...

Frank Morawietz
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/