[wpkg-users] What hjappened to the list?
Thomas Wootten
2016-06-27 15:19:20 UTC
I've had no digests since about 2nd June and there's nothing in the archive and lists.wpkg.org gives and error when I visit it.

Thomas Wootten
IT Technician
East Birmingham Community Forum
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Luca Manganelli
2016-06-28 06:30:23 UTC
Post by Thomas Wootten
I've had no digests since about 2nd June and there's nothing in the archive and lists.wpkg.org gives and error when I visit it.
We are taking sun at Maldives :-)

SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Jake Anderson
2016-06-28 07:19:38 UTC
Everything is set up so well on our systems that nobody ever needs to do any maintenance hence there are no questions right?

Sent from my Samsung device

-------- Original message --------
From: Luca Manganelli <***@comune.trento.it>
Date: 28/06/2016 4:30 pm (GMT+10:00)
To: wpkg-***@lists.wpkg.org
Subject: Re: [wpkg-users] What hjappened to the list?
Post by Thomas Wootten
I've had no digests since about 2nd June and there's nothing in the archive and lists.wpkg.org gives and error when I visit it.
We are taking sun at Maldives :-)

SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Tomasz Chmielewski
2016-06-30 15:16:20 UTC
Post by Thomas Wootten
I've had no digests since about 2nd June and there's nothing in the
archive and lists.wpkg.org gives and error when I visit it.
Can you check if it's working again for you?

Mailman broke after an upgrade for a while... but that was on 26th, not
02nd June?

Tomasz Chmielewski
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/