I tried your package.
If I run it from the admin account with the following script:
//set ip-scribe =
//set SOFTWARE = \\% ip-scribe% \ wpkg \ softwares//
//cscript \\% ip-scribe% \ wpkg \ wpkg.js / synchronize / nonotify / quiet//
java9 installs without problems.
But when I try the installation at startup of the PC, wpkg tries to
install, but the installation is not done.
We have in the log the following message:
/2018-03-19 14:14:17, INFOÂ Â Â : Package 'Java Runtime Environment 9'
(JRE9): Not installed (checks failed). Preparing installation.//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Installation of references
(dependencies) for 'Java Runtime Environment 9' (JRE9) successfully
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, INFOÂ Â Â : Installing 'Java Runtime Environment 9'
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Reading variables from hosts[s]//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Reading variables from profile[s]//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Reading variables from package 'Java
Runtime Environment 9'.//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Got variable 'PKG_VER' of value '9.0.4'//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Got variable 'PKG_SOURCE' of value
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Got variable 'PKG_INSTALL_SWITCH' of
value 'STATIC=0 REBOOT=0'//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Got variable 'PKG_DEST' of value
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Setting variable: 'PKG_VER=9.0.4'.//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Setting variable:
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Setting variable:
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Setting variable:
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Install type: install//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Found inclusion for command type remove.//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Fetched 3 install command(s).//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Executing command: '%ComSpec% /c net
stop JavaQuickStarterService' ('C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c net stop
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, INFOÂ Â Â : Command '%ComSpec% /c net stop
JavaQuickStarterService' returned exit code [2]. This exit code
indicates success.//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, INFOÂ Â Â : Command in installation of Java Runtime
Environment 9 returned exit code [2]. This exit code indicates success.//
//2018-03-19 14:14:17, DEBUGÂ Â : Executing command: '%ComSpec% /c wmic
product where "Name like 'Java 9%'" call Uninstall
%TMP%\JRE9_remove.log 2>%TMP%\JRE9_remove.err'
('C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c wmic product where "Name like 'Java
9%'" call Uninstall >C:\Windows\TEMP\JRE9_remove.log
//2018-03-19 14:16:19, DEBUGÂ Â : Command in installation of Java Runtime
Environment 9 returned exit code [0]. Success.//
//2018-03-19 14:16:19, DEBUGÂ Â : Executing command: '"%PKG_SOURCE%" /s
('"\\\wpkg\softwares\java\jre-9.0.4_windows-x64_bin.exe" /s
INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Java\jre9" STATIC=0 REBOOT=0 /L
//2018-03-19 14:17:01, ERRORÂ Â : Could not process (install) package
'Java Runtime Environment 9' (JRE9):|Exit code returned non-successful
value (1603) on command '"%PKG_SOURCE%" /s %PKG_DEST%
//2018-03-19 14:17:01, DEBUGÂ Â : Cleaning up temporary downloaded files//
//2018-03-19 14:17:01, DEBUGÂ Â : Restoring previous environment. /
Do you have any idea where the problem would come from?
Thanks for your help,
Yours sincerely,
Raphaël Brocq
Post by Raphael BrocqHi,
I'm trying to make the wpkg package for Java 9. I don't arrive it.
I have recovered the file msi.
I am not extracting the MSI, since I don't add an additional step that
is not necessary.
<!-- code start (watch for line wraps) -->
<package id="JRE9" name="Java Runtime Environment 9"
revision="%PKG_VER%" reboot="false" priority="10"
       precheck-upgrade="always" precheck-install="always"
    <variable name="PKG_VER"           value="9.0.4" />
    <variable name="PKG_SOURCE"
    <variable name="PKG_INSTALL_SWITCH" value="STATIC=0 REBOOT=0"/>
    <variable name="PKG_DEST"
    <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal"
path="Java 9.* \(64-bit\)" value="%PKG_VER%" />
       <command type="install" include="remove" />
       <command type="install" cmd='"%PKG_SOURCE%" /s %PKG_DEST%
       <command type="upgrade" include="install" />
       <!-- stop quick start service -->
       <command type="remove" cmd="%ComSpec% /c net stop
           <exit code="2" />
       <command type="remove"
           cmd="%ComSpec% /c wmic product where "Name like 'Java
<!-- code end -->
Signature Dane
Raphaël Brocq
Responsable des SystÚmes Installés
Délégation Académique au Numérique Ãducatif
92 rue de Marseille - BP 7227 - 69007 Lyon cedex 07
Tél : 04 72 80 64 68
Locaux : 47 rue Philippe de Lassalle - 69004 Lyon