Hello Falk,
Hello everyone,
I fully agree to everything that you're saying. WPKG is relatively
stable and feature-complete (I guess that's what many users appreciate,
including myself).
However, there are still open issues and there hasn't been any activity
on the SVN repo in the last 12 months. Contribution to WPKG core seems
possible (there's the SVN repo, this mailing list and the bug tracker,
which at least had some activity in 2017). But contribution isn't
straight forward. I think it could be benefitial to move the SVN sources
and bugtracker issues to github.com. This would allow anyone to
contribute in a more easy, familiar way. Which might encourage more
users to contribute.
Where would be the best place to make such a suggestion and would the
WPKG founders/project leads be willing to think about/consider it?
Post by Falko TrojahnHello Paul,
there are lots of people using WPKG every day. If you would make clear
what problems you have with it (if any?), you could get support here
on the mailing list for sure.
Wpkg is feature complete and as nobody seems to have issues with it,
there's no need to build unneeded features or make updates just for
Please read Rainer's explanation e.g. here
If there are issues with Wpkg-Client or Wpkg-GP, which are
to the wpkg project, you could just contact their authors, or ask
on this list, too.
Have a look at the growing silent installers list at wpkg.org, too
https://wpkg.org/Special:AllPages - not every installer must be
there with it's latest version number, as each should be adapted
to your local needs.
Best regards,
Hello the community!
After a brief conversation with Daniel Högele and Brian White, and
also checked the repositories and read some part of the archives of
the community, I came to the conclusion that the WPKG project is in
the dying state and this is a very bad, because the WPKG at this
moment is still the ONLY ONE completed system for installing software
on many workstations (with windows).
Therefore, I want to invite those who are still interested in the WPKG
project on the Discord server, here https://discord.gg/vRjVfHK is the
I hope for the further development of this wonderful project!
-- Best regards, Paul Rock
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvilFreelancer
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