[wpkg-users] Java 8 on Win64 - the saga continues...
Frank Morawietz
2016-01-26 21:06:09 UTC

I resumed my fights with the automated installation of Java 32-bit on
Windows 64-bit...

Now, I am some steps further and got some new insights that I would like
to share with you.

I found two situations where the installation simply hung:

1. When using PSExec
On the very first start, PSExec interactively asks for confirmation of
it's license. So, before using PSExec for installation, I had to start
it interactively once, so that I could accept the license before using
it. For using it in the system context, I had even to start it like
this: "PSExec -s -i PSExec".

2. The Java installer dialog
The dialog of the Java installer has to be avoided by the appropriate
start parameters.

This hung situation was bad, because not only the Java installer, but
also the WPKG service itself got stock. Especially on Windows 8, WPKG
could only get back to work by either manually killing the hanging
installation processes or by performing an explicit reboot. Otherwise,
it keeps on hanging until the next Windows-update-caused reboot... :-(

Then, I finally got the installation working. - At least on Windows 7,
64-bit. I had to start the setup program (jre-8uXX-windows-i586.exe)
with "%COMSPEC% /c", otherwise it failed with error code -80. I don't
know why it works without for you, Holger. Do you use another
installation program?

On Windows 8.1, the very same installation commands are still failing.
Or better, they succeed, but they only pretend.(!)

2016-01-26 19:38:32, DEBUG : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' ('C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c
\\INSTSERV\autoinst\software\jre-8u71-windows-i586.exe INSTALL_SILENT=1
/L \\INSTSERV\autoinst\logs\PC01-java-update.txt.log >>
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command in installation of Java Runtime
Environment returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.

So, the installation was obviously successful. But nothing got
installed! There is no Java installation nor does even the logfile get

A few lines later, WPKG notices this itself and reports it in the log file:

2016-01-26 19:38:44, ERROR : Could not process (upgrade) Java Runtime
Environment.|Failed checking after installation.

Has anybody else ever experienced this? Any ideas?

All the best,
Frank Morawietz
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
David Pailler
2016-01-26 21:40:43 UTC
The only way to do it it's again with the extract msi.
I have tested exactly the same problem with the executable.
exit code 0 and nothing.
I think user builtin\system can't create the msi and follow the install.
Indeed , installation by xml with wpkg lanched by real user works fine

Post by Frank Morawietz
I resumed my fights with the automated installation of Java 32-bit on
Windows 64-bit...
Now, I am some steps further and got some new insights that I would like
to share with you.
1. When using PSExec
On the very first start, PSExec interactively asks for confirmation of
it's license. So, before using PSExec for installation, I had to start
it interactively once, so that I could accept the license before using
it. For using it in the system context, I had even to start it like
this: "PSExec -s -i PSExec".
2. The Java installer dialog
The dialog of the Java installer has to be avoided by the appropriate
start parameters.
This hung situation was bad, because not only the Java installer, but
also the WPKG service itself got stock. Especially on Windows 8, WPKG
could only get back to work by either manually killing the hanging
installation processes or by performing an explicit reboot. Otherwise,
it keeps on hanging until the next Windows-update-caused reboot... :-(
Then, I finally got the installation working. - At least on Windows 7,
64-bit. I had to start the setup program (jre-8uXX-windows-i586.exe)
with "%COMSPEC% /c", otherwise it failed with error code -80. I don't
know why it works without for you, Holger. Do you use another
installation program?
On Windows 8.1, the very same installation commands are still failing.
Or better, they succeed, but they only pretend.(!)
2016-01-26 19:38:32, DEBUG : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' ('C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c
\\INSTSERV\autoinst\software\jre-8u71-windows-i586.exe INSTALL_SILENT=1
/L \\INSTSERV\autoinst\logs\PC01-java-update.txt.log >>
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command in installation of Java Runtime
Environment returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.
So, the installation was obviously successful. But nothing got
installed! There is no Java installation nor does even the logfile get
2016-01-26 19:38:44, ERROR : Could not process (upgrade) Java Runtime
Environment.|Failed checking after installation.
Has anybody else ever experienced this? Any ideas?
All the best,
David Pailler Professeur de Mathématiques Référent CoDSI Lycée Jules
ferry 75009 Paris
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Nils Thiele
2016-01-27 09:48:58 UTC
with the extracted msi i have no problems with java8 anymore, well i
still think you have to completely remove the old version as java8 wont
update the old but besides that its working.

Here is my package:
name="Java(TM) Runtime Environment"
<variable name="updatever" value="72" />
<variable name="shortupdatever" value="72" />
<variable name="version" value="1.8.0_%updatever%" />
<variable name="autoupdate" value="0" />

<check architecture="x86" type="file" condition="exists"
path="%PROGRAMFILES%\Java\jre1.8.0_%updatever%\bin\java.exe" />
<check architecture="x64" type="file" condition="exists"
path="%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Java\jre1.8.0_%updatever%\bin\java.exe" />
<check type="logical" condition="or">
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Java 8 Update
%updatever%" />
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Java 8 Update
%shortupdatever%" />

<!-- Remove JRE 7 if still installed before new install -->
<install cmd="%ComSpec% /c for /L %N in (0,1,80) do @msiexec
/passive /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F032170%~NFF} >NUL">
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Java 7.+" />
<exit code="any" />

<!-- Install uptodate JRE -->
<install cmd='taskkill /f /im jqs.exe /im iexplore.exe /im
<exit code='1' />
<exit code='128' />
<install cmd='msiexec /passive /i
%SOFTWARE%\jre\jre%version%\jre1.8.0_%updatever%.msi REBOOT=Suppress

<!-- Disable Auto Update -->
<install cmd='REG DELETE
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v SunJavaUpdateSched
<exit code='any' />

<upgrade include="remove" />
<upgrade include="install" />

<!-- /passive gives more info than /qn -->
<!-- Removes all possible JRE 8 Version using for loop, >NUL is
necessary to get rid of output -->
<remove cmd="%ComSpec% /c for /L %N in (10,1,%updatever%) do
@msiexec /passive /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F832180%~NF0} >NUL">
<exit code="1605" />
<exit code="0" />
<!-- Alternative using wmi
<remove cmd='wmic product where "Name like apos;Java 8%%&apos;"
call uninstall /nointeractive' >
<exit code='any' />
</remove> -->
<!-- Remove Java Folder -->
<remove architecture="x64" cmd='%COMSPEC% /c if exist
"%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Java" rmdir /S /Q "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Java"' />
<remove architecture="x86" cmd='%COMSPEC% /c if exist
"%PROGRAMFILES%\Java" rmdir /S /Q "%PROGRAMFILES%\Java"' />


It includes a removal attempt of java 7 if its still installed and two
methods for removing java8.
This is for java8 x86 on both x86 and x64.

Maybe it helps you.

Post by David Pailler
The only way to do it it's again with the extract msi.
I have tested exactly the same problem with the executable.
exit code 0 and nothing.
I think user builtin\system can't create the msi and follow the install.
Indeed , installation by xml with wpkg lanched by real user works fine
Post by Frank Morawietz
I resumed my fights with the automated installation of Java 32-bit on
Windows 64-bit...
Now, I am some steps further and got some new insights that I would like
to share with you.
1. When using PSExec
On the very first start, PSExec interactively asks for confirmation of
it's license. So, before using PSExec for installation, I had to start
it interactively once, so that I could accept the license before using
it. For using it in the system context, I had even to start it like
this: "PSExec -s -i PSExec".
2. The Java installer dialog
The dialog of the Java installer has to be avoided by the appropriate
start parameters.
This hung situation was bad, because not only the Java installer, but
also the WPKG service itself got stock. Especially on Windows 8, WPKG
could only get back to work by either manually killing the hanging
installation processes or by performing an explicit reboot. Otherwise,
it keeps on hanging until the next Windows-update-caused reboot... :-(
Then, I finally got the installation working. - At least on Windows 7,
64-bit. I had to start the setup program (jre-8uXX-windows-i586.exe)
with "%COMSPEC% /c", otherwise it failed with error code -80. I don't
know why it works without for you, Holger. Do you use another
installation program?
On Windows 8.1, the very same installation commands are still failing.
Or better, they succeed, but they only pretend.(!)
2016-01-26 19:38:32, DEBUG : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' ('C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c
\\INSTSERV\autoinst\software\jre-8u71-windows-i586.exe INSTALL_SILENT=1
/L \\INSTSERV\autoinst\logs\PC01-java-update.txt.log >>
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command in installation of Java Runtime
Environment returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.
So, the installation was obviously successful. But nothing got
installed! There is no Java installation nor does even the logfile get
2016-01-26 19:38:44, ERROR : Could not process (upgrade) Java Runtime
Environment.|Failed checking after installation.
Has anybody else ever experienced this? Any ideas?
All the best,
IT-Support - Fachbereich 09 Kulturgeschichte und Kulturkunde
Universität Hamburg
Flügelbau West, R. 204
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
D-20146 Hamburg
Tel.: +49-40-42838-3024
Email: ***@uni-hamburg.de

SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
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Marco Gaiarin
2016-01-27 14:05:30 UTC
Mandi! Frank Morawietz
In chel di` si favelave...
Post by Frank Morawietz
I resumed my fights with the automated installation of Java 32-bit on
Windows 64-bit...
Attached my recipe. Sorry for comments in italian.

I can confirm that, sometimes, in some hosts, jre32 on a 64bit box
''hung'', but i've never understood why, because i was not able to
debug the trouble...
dott. Marco Gaiarin GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia'' http://www.sv.lnf.it/
Polo FVG - Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078 - San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
marco.gaiarin(at)lanostrafamiglia.it t +39-0434-842711 f +39-0434-842797

(cf 00307430132, categoria ONLUS oppure RICERCA SANITARIA)
Frank Morawietz
2016-01-28 20:52:10 UTC
Thanks to all who responded!

Well, it seems to be consent that the installation using the MSI package
it the preferred way. Does this work the same on Win 8 and on older
versions of Windows?

Is there an explanation of the possible parameters available?

Since Oracle does not provide this package for download to ordinary
users: Do I have to manually extract it from the Offline installer .exe
file? I noticed that it was extracted into
during installation. Is there a way to extract this automatically? Or
do I have to start and abort the installation with the exe file just to
get the MSI package?

All recipes for Java update take care to remove older versions, too.

But there recently has been a judicial decision that Oracle has to take
care of this:
(in Englisch)
(in German)

So we really shouldn't need to take care about this anymore... Shouldn't
we? ;-)

Best regards,
Frank Morawietz
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Rainer Meier
2016-01-29 08:25:20 UTC
Hi Frank,
Post by Frank Morawietz
Well, it seems to be consent that the installation using the MSI package
it the preferred way. Does this work the same on Win 8 and on older
versions of Windows?
The MSI works on all supported Windows versions (including XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1,
Post by Frank Morawietz
Is there an explanation of the possible parameters available?
Standard MSI parameters + some Oracle-specific ones to exclude the browser
plugin etc.
Post by Frank Morawietz
Since Oracle does not provide this package for download to ordinary
users: Do I have to manually extract it from the Offline installer .exe
file? I noticed that it was extracted into
during installation. Is there a way to extract this automatically? Or
do I have to start and abort the installation with the exe file just to
get the MSI package?
I don't think there is an automated way to do it. I usually launch a file
manager like FreeCommander with admin privileges, then launch the Java
installer, grab the MSI installer from %LocalAppData%\..\LocalLow\Oracle and
then cancel the installer. Launching the file manager with admini privileges
removes the need of having to accept the UAC prompt on each installer launch.

As this seems to be recurring issue I am sharing my script-solution here again:


It supports Java 6, 7 and 8 currently in both JDK and JRE editions in its 32-bit
and 64-bit variants. Each version can be deployed independently.

If there is a new Java release just download it, extract MSI and place it to the
jdk* and/or jre* folders. Then update the "general-versions.cmd" to match the
new version.
NOTE: For JRE older than Java 8 there is a bug in the MSI which makes it fail if
it's named jre-<version>.msi. So you need to rename the MSI to "jre.msi"! You
have been warned. Though you should not deploy Java older than version 8 any more.

In setting.cmd you can select then easily what should be deployed.
You can also select which versions should be explicitly uninstalled and whether
the WEB Plugin shouold be enabled or ont (default is not to do so) as well as
the security level. You can also chose there whether you like to deploy 32-bit
and 64-bit editions on 64-bit systems.

If you support multiple sites/customers you might create settings-<customer>.cmd
as well while <customer> can be set on WPKG level using WPKG_PROFILE environment

It also allows you to place machine-local settings in
%ProgramFiles%\Java\settings.cmd. But honestly I never used this feature.

A WPKG receipe is included as well (JRE.xml).


SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Frank Morawietz
2016-02-03 20:57:17 UTC
Hi all,

a warm thank you to all supported my quest for a working Java
installation with ideas and code examples!
I learned a lot and I got to know some useful tools.

I finally got it working - even on Windows 8.1 !!! :-)

The installation system was switched to the MSI variant.
Even this was hanging on my first tries. Then I noticed that the order
of parameters to MSIExec is important: When installing, the /i needs to
be the last one, directly before the path to the installation file.

Usually, I dump any output to stdout into a log file during
installation. But this didn't work with MSIExec either. Even when
running a silent installation (!) it got stuck again, when redirecting
it's stdout to the log. Only after I removed this redirection, it was
suddenly working (without any output to stdout)...

Just wanted to share those additional insights and experiences with you.

Frank Morawietz
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Frank Morawietz
2016-03-27 21:13:49 UTC
Dear WPKG users,

concerning the installation of Java 32-bit on Windows 64-bit, I can
confirm the discoveries of Marco Schmidt:

When trying to install Java 1.8.0, Update 77, on Windows 8.1 with the
EXE installer without the config file
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Oracle\Java\java.settings.cfg the installation hung

Then I copied the file %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Oracle\Java\java.settings.cfg
from a Windows 7 PC with 64-bit, where the installation worked. And all
of a sudden it worked on Win 8.1, too!

Now there is even one step less for the Java updates - no more need to
extract the MSI file out of the EXE installer for me! New versions can
even be prepared directly from Linux on the server - no more need to
start Windows only for providing the MSI file.

Good job Marco, thanks a lot for your research!

To all of you a nice and peaceful rest of Eastern,
Frank Morawietz
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Marco Schmidt
2016-02-20 11:24:31 UTC
Sorry for mailing that much, but I hope you see it as ham, not as spam :-)

The good thing is, Oracle drives me crazy.
The bad thing, I found the working solution with the jre...exe.

The jre...exe installs as user system depending on the options. Seems
the only option that is allowed is: REMOVEOUTOFDATEJRES=1
Any other option stops the installer. Unfortunately it not even tells
you why, no logfile, nothing.
(I assume this option is ignored anyway, because it is default as
described by Frank Morawietz)

Besides this, it works with any option, if there is a valid
java.settings.cfg (e.g. from an old installation). Seems that the
command line options are ignored in this case.

If the options are needed, this file could be added before or at least
after an installation.

So finally my install command with the jre...exe is:
<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\java\jre-8u74-windows-x64.exe" /s /L
"%TEMP%\jreinstall.log"' />

Greetings ...
At least one of the questions I could answer by myself now.
I logged the environment the "WPKG Service" is running with.
And I can abandon my theory about the msi folder, because finally I
One option I will test with this knowledge is to use this msi to install
1. start the jre...exe which puts the msi in the path described above.
2. use msiexec to install the msi in the path described above.
This would skip the step of extracting the msi manually.
Greetings ...
PS: It's never a problem, it's always a challenge :-)
If the java8 installer is run under system user, it starts and exists
with error 0 without doing its job.
I assume this is because the installer wants to write the msi in the
AppData of the installing user.
Does the system user have an AppData folder?
Or is it possible to "fake" a user by setting some environment variables?
After changing the "WPKG Service" to run under a "real" user (e.g.
administrator) it worked.
Thats probably why installing via the extracted msi is the only way.
By the way, the msi installer is part of "Oracle Java SE Advanced &
Greetings ...
Post by Frank Morawietz
I resumed my fights with the automated installation of Java 32-bit on
Windows 64-bit...
Now, I am some steps further and got some new insights that I would like
to share with you.
1. When using PSExec
On the very first start, PSExec interactively asks for confirmation of
it's license. So, before using PSExec for installation, I had to start
it interactively once, so that I could accept the license before using
it. For using it in the system context, I had even to start it like
this: "PSExec -s -i PSExec".
2. The Java installer dialog
The dialog of the Java installer has to be avoided by the appropriate
start parameters.
This hung situation was bad, because not only the Java installer, but
also the WPKG service itself got stock. Especially on Windows 8, WPKG
could only get back to work by either manually killing the hanging
installation processes or by performing an explicit reboot. Otherwise,
it keeps on hanging until the next Windows-update-caused reboot... :-(
Then, I finally got the installation working. - At least on Windows 7,
64-bit. I had to start the setup program (jre-8uXX-windows-i586.exe)
with "%COMSPEC% /c", otherwise it failed with error code -80. I don't
know why it works without for you, Holger. Do you use another
installation program?
On Windows 8.1, the very same installation commands are still failing.
Or better, they succeed, but they only pretend.(!)
2016-01-26 19:38:32, DEBUG : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' ('C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c
\\INSTSERV\autoinst\software\jre-8u71-windows-i586.exe INSTALL_SILENT=1
/L \\INSTSERV\autoinst\logs\PC01-java-update.txt.log >>
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command in installation of Java Runtime
Environment returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.
So, the installation was obviously successful. But nothing got
installed! There is no Java installation nor does even the logfile get
2016-01-26 19:38:44, ERROR : Could not process (upgrade) Java Runtime
Environment.|Failed checking after installation.
Has anybody else ever experienced this? Any ideas?
All the best,
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Frank Morawietz
2016-02-22 20:21:01 UTC
Hello Marco,

thanks for all the successful research you are doing!

So you got to a point where you can run a working installation with the
.EXE file?

I found the java.settings.cfg you described in my installation, too.
But I can't reconstruct whether it was already there when my
installation tests failed or whether it got created by an installation
that was finally working.

Maybe, when the next Java update threatens us, I will give this a try.

At least this could save the extra effort of manually extracting the
.MSI file...

Thanks again for sharing your insights!
Post by Marco Schmidt
Sorry for mailing that much, but I hope you see it as ham, not as spam :-)
The good thing is, Oracle drives me crazy.
The bad thing, I found the working solution with the jre...exe.
The jre...exe installs as user system depending on the options. Seems
the only option that is allowed is: REMOVEOUTOFDATEJRES=1
Any other option stops the installer. Unfortunately it not even tells
you why, no logfile, nothing.
(I assume this option is ignored anyway, because it is default as
described by Frank Morawietz)
Besides this, it works with any option, if there is a valid
java.settings.cfg (e.g. from an old installation). Seems that the
command line options are ignored in this case.
If the options are needed, this file could be added before or at least
after an installation.
<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\java\jre-8u74-windows-x64.exe" /s /L
"%TEMP%\jreinstall.log"' />
Greetings ...
At least one of the questions I could answer by myself now.
I logged the environment the "WPKG Service" is running with.
And I can abandon my theory about the msi folder, because finally I
One option I will test with this knowledge is to use this msi to install
1. start the jre...exe which puts the msi in the path described above.
2. use msiexec to install the msi in the path described above.
This would skip the step of extracting the msi manually.
Greetings ...
PS: It's never a problem, it's always a challenge :-)
If the java8 installer is run under system user, it starts and exists
with error 0 without doing its job.
I assume this is because the installer wants to write the msi in the
AppData of the installing user.
Does the system user have an AppData folder?
Or is it possible to "fake" a user by setting some environment variables?
After changing the "WPKG Service" to run under a "real" user (e.g.
administrator) it worked.
Thats probably why installing via the extracted msi is the only way.
By the way, the msi installer is part of "Oracle Java SE Advanced &
Greetings ...
Post by Frank Morawietz
I resumed my fights with the automated installation of Java 32-bit on
Windows 64-bit...
Now, I am some steps further and got some new insights that I would like
to share with you.
1. When using PSExec
On the very first start, PSExec interactively asks for confirmation of
it's license. So, before using PSExec for installation, I had to start
it interactively once, so that I could accept the license before using
it. For using it in the system context, I had even to start it like
this: "PSExec -s -i PSExec".
2. The Java installer dialog
The dialog of the Java installer has to be avoided by the appropriate
start parameters.
This hung situation was bad, because not only the Java installer, but
also the WPKG service itself got stock. Especially on Windows 8, WPKG
could only get back to work by either manually killing the hanging
installation processes or by performing an explicit reboot. Otherwise,
it keeps on hanging until the next Windows-update-caused reboot... :-(
Then, I finally got the installation working. - At least on Windows 7,
64-bit. I had to start the setup program (jre-8uXX-windows-i586.exe)
with "%COMSPEC% /c", otherwise it failed with error code -80. I don't
know why it works without for you, Holger. Do you use another
installation program?
On Windows 8.1, the very same installation commands are still failing.
Or better, they succeed, but they only pretend.(!)
2016-01-26 19:38:32, DEBUG : Executing command: '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' ('C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c
\\INSTSERV\autoinst\software\jre-8u71-windows-i586.exe INSTALL_SILENT=1
/L \\INSTSERV\autoinst\logs\PC01-java-update.txt.log >>
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command '%COMSPEC% /c
%JAVA_LOG%' returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.
2016-01-26 19:38:41, INFO : Command in installation of Java Runtime
Environment returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success.
So, the installation was obviously successful. But nothing got
installed! There is no Java installation nor does even the logfile get
2016-01-26 19:38:44, ERROR : Could not process (upgrade) Java Runtime
Environment.|Failed checking after installation.
Has anybody else ever experienced this? Any ideas?
All the best,
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
wpkg-users mailing list
Frank Morawietz <***@gmail.com>
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/