[wpkg-users] Collecting config data from Client PCs via WPKG
Alt, Franz
2016-04-04 14:41:46 UTC
Hello everybody,

I wanted to use our quite well established WPKG infrastructure to collect some data from the client machines. 2 Scripts should be executed and write data in the WPKG logfile folder.

For example I try to "Retrieving a program's version" once for every client:
<install cmd='\\SERVER\deploy\software\wpkg_scripting\cscript.bat' />

## cscript.bat ##
@echo off
c:\windows\system32\cscript "C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OSPP.VBS" /dstatus >"\\SERVER\deploy\log13\%computername%_MSOFFICE_%date%.txt" 2>&1

.. and try to retrieve Office Keys (every time PC starts) and with:
<check type="execute" path='\\ SERVER \deploy\software\wpkg_wmic_inventarisierung\wmic_liste.bat' />

## wmic_liste.bat ##
@echo off
%COMSPEC% /C wmic product get InstallDate, Name, Version, InstallLocation, Vendor, IdentifyingNumber >"\\SERVER\deploy\log13\%computername%_%date%_SOFTWARELISTE.txt" 2>&1

Unfortunaly there's an error "access denied" (in the WPKG log) for most of the PCs ... oddly enough it works on my PC (Win7 64bit prof.) when I restart the WPKG Service!? All wpkg client services run with "local SYSTEM account" and "data exchange between service and desktop is allowed.

The logfilefolder has NTFS Rights for User SYSTEM and WPKGuser (user while installing WPKG-Client-Service) incl. "change" and Rights for share "\\SERVER\deploy\" the same way.


2016-04-04 13:50:21, INFO : Package '*** WPKG liesst Office Key aus ***' (wpkg_scriptingall): Not installed (checks failed). Preparing installation.
2016-04-04 13:50:21, INFO : Installing '*** WPKG liesst Office Key aus ***' (wpkg_scriptingall)...
2016-04-04 13:50:21, INFO : User notification suppressed. Message: Die automatische Software-Verteilung läuft gerade. Bitte speichern Sie ihre offenen Dokumente, weil das System unter Umständen ohne weitere Warnung neu startet. Danke.
ENGLISH 2016-04-04 13:50:21, INFO : User notification suppressed. Message: Automatic software deployment is currently updating your system. Please save all your documents as the the system might reboot without further notice. Thank you.
2016-04-04 13:50:21, ERROR : Command '\\SERVER\deploy\software\wpkg_scripting\cscript.bat' was unsuccessful.|Zugriff verweigert|
2016-04-04 13:50:21, ERROR : Could not process (install) package '*** WPKG liesst Office Key aus ***' (wpkg_scriptingall):|Exit code returned non-successful value (-1) on command '\\SERVER\deploy\software\wpkg_scripting\cscript.bat'.


2016-04-04 13:50:55, ERROR : Command '\\SERVER\deploy\software\wpkg_wmic_inventarisierung\wmic_liste.bat' was unsuccessful.|Zugriff verweigert|
2016-04-04 13:50:55, INFO : Package '*** WPKG INVENTARISIERUNG Software WMIC ***' (wpkg_wmic_sw-inventarisierung): Not installed (checks failed). Preparing installation.
2016-04-04 13:50:55, INFO : Installing '*** WPKG INVENTARISIERUNG Software WMIC ***' (wpkg_wmic_sw-inventarisierung)...
2016-04-04 13:50:55, ERROR : Command '\\SERVER\deploy\software\wpkg_wmic_inventarisierung\wmic_liste.bat' was unsuccessful.|Zugriff verweigert|
2016-04-04 13:50:55, ERROR : Could not process (install) *** WPKG INVENTARISIERUNG Software WMIC ***.|Failed checking after installation.
2016-04-04 13:50:55, INFO : User notification suppressed. Message: Das WPKG Software-Installationstool hat die Installation oder Aktualisierung von Software auf Ihrem System beendet. Es war kein Neustart notwendig. Alle Updates sind komplett.
ENGLISH 2016-04-04 13:50:55, INFO : User notification suppressed. Message: The automated software installation utility has completed installing or updating software on your system. No reboot was necessary. All updates are complete.

Any suggestions?

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Holger Kröber
2016-04-04 18:00:12 UTC

try to add the group "Domain Computers" to the ACL list, with change or
full control access.
Give "everyone" full share permissions.

Post by Alt, Franz
The logfilefolder has NTFS Rights for User SYSTEM and WPKGuser (user while installing WPKG-Client-Service) incl. "change" and Rights for share "\\SERVER\deploy\" the same way.
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Franz Alt
2016-04-08 18:46:58 UTC
Post by Holger Kröber
try to add the group "Domain Computers" to the ACL list, with change or
full control access.
Give "everyone" full share permissions.
Thanks so far ...

I gave everybody r/w share permission and (way to much) ntfs permission
to "SYSTEM", "Domain-Users", "Domain-Computers".

My PC has the same AD group policy like the others. But only my PC
executes the my scripts startet by wpkg and ONLY when service is
restarted manually, not when my PC boots. "My PC" is not identically
with the server and my Admin-Login at all PCs is the same.

I'm new to this list... may I use HTML mail with screenshots or
screenshots and logfiles as attachment?

I'll continue this on monday. Nice weekend to everybody!
Post by Holger Kröber
Post by Alt, Franz
The logfilefolder has NTFS Rights for User SYSTEM and WPKGuser (user
while installing WPKG-Client-Service) incl. "change" and Rights for
share "\\SERVER\deploy\" the same way.
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Nicolas Briche
2016-04-08 21:02:32 UTC

Unless you only have a very small handful of clients to manage that way,
I would take the opposite approach. Instead of using WPKG to run an
inventory script, I'm using my inventory solution's limited deploy
feature to run my WPKG deployments. That way I get a complete,
up-to-date view of each of my clients, _and_ I get targeted WPKG
deployments, manual or automated, on whatever group of machines I want,
at whatever time I want. Best of two worlds with no additional sharing

Sure, it means having to set up GLPI+FusionInventory (or equivalent
solution), but it seems like you're already on your way to writing your
own (remember, you're going to have to process those text files once
you've collected them), so you may as well use an existing one.

Bottom line is, if you have enough PCs to warrant a domain, you also
need something more than script-generated text files for your inventory

Post by Franz Alt
Post by Holger Kröber
try to add the group "Domain Computers" to the ACL list, with change or
full control access.
Give "everyone" full share permissions.
Thanks so far ...
I gave everybody r/w share permission and (way to much) ntfs
permission to "SYSTEM", "Domain-Users", "Domain-Computers".
My PC has the same AD group policy like the others. But only my PC
executes the my scripts startet by wpkg and ONLY when service is
restarted manually, not when my PC boots. "My PC" is not identically
with the server and my Admin-Login at all PCs is the same.
I'm new to this list... may I use HTML mail with screenshots or
screenshots and logfiles as attachment?
I'll continue this on monday. Nice weekend to everybody!
Post by Holger Kröber
Post by Alt, Franz
The logfilefolder has NTFS Rights for User SYSTEM and WPKGuser (user
while installing WPKG-Client-Service) incl. "change" and Rights for
share "\\SERVER\deploy\" the same way.
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >>
wpkg-users mailing list
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/
Peter Beck
2016-04-08 22:26:46 UTC
Post by Nicolas Briche
Sure, it means having to set up GLPI+FusionInventory (or equivalent
just using ocs inventory (standalone) [1] is quite easy to deploy and
reliable, never had any issues, just running as it should.
The webinterface is a bit ugly, but does its job. And if you want you
can also grab all the needed information with mysql queries.


[1] http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org/en/
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/