[wpkg-users] Supporting multiple languages for FF/TB
Holger Kröber
2016-04-08 09:06:21 UTC

the majority of our users needs the german version of firefox or
But a small percentage needs the en-us version. How you guys manage this?
Do you download and deploy multiple localized versions of the installer
(with multiple wpkg packages, e.g. thunderbird_de-de, thunderbird_en-us
Or do you use only one installer and additional language packs and then
manage somehow to define the correct language in the preferences file?

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Ulli Conrad
2016-04-08 09:24:44 UTC
Hi Holger,
Post by Holger Kröber
the majority of our users needs the german version of firefox or
But a small percentage needs the en-us version. How you guys manage this?
Do you download and deploy multiple localized versions of the installer
(with multiple wpkg packages, e.g. thunderbird_de-de, thunderbird_en-us
Same case here.
I use two packages: One for international workgroup members (or their
computers of course) and one for german speaking users.


- Ulli -
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
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Nils Thiele
2016-04-08 11:42:38 UTC
this could also be possible with a single package if you set some
variables with lcid, but i havent tried this yet...
Of course the underlying OS language would need to be different.
See: http://wpkg.org/Extended_host_attribute_matching#lcid

Like i said i havent tried this yet, im especially intrested what
happens on windows 8 + were you can easily change the default os language.
Does anyone have a tip to display the lcid from the commandline for

Another idea would be to add a condition and check to a variable in the
<variable name="PKG_LANG" value="de">
<check type="file" condition="exists"
path="%systemroot%\engl.txt" />

This file would need to be place there before of course..., but the OS
Language wouldnt could still be the same this way.

I am in the same boat, mainly german system with a handfull of english

Post by Ulli Conrad
Hi Holger,
Post by Holger Kröber
the majority of our users needs the german version of firefox or
But a small percentage needs the en-us version. How you guys manage this?
Do you download and deploy multiple localized versions of the installer
(with multiple wpkg packages, e.g. thunderbird_de-de, thunderbird_en-us
Same case here.
I use two packages: One for international workgroup members (or their
computers of course) and one for german speaking users.
- Ulli -
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Dave Evans
2016-04-08 13:23:12 UTC
of course the difficulty might be that WPKG runs in the SYSTEM context,
which might not reflect the user context

in the particular case of installing Thunderbird, I notice that the file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\install.log
contains the string:
Locale : en-GB
which I'm guessing (you'd have to check) is the language it was
installed in, regardless of which Locale the operating system is set to

the tip about reading the LCID is also useful (remembering that that
might not be what the user sees)
list of all languages here:

hope that helps :-)

Post by Nils Thiele
this could also be possible with a single package if you set some
variables with lcid, but i havent tried this yet...
Of course the underlying OS language would need to be different.
See: http://wpkg.org/Extended_host_attribute_matching#lcid
Like i said i havent tried this yet, im especially intrested what
happens on windows 8 + were you can easily change the default os language.
Does anyone have a tip to display the lcid from the commandline for
Another idea would be to add a condition and check to a variable in
the package.
<variable name="PKG_LANG" value="de">
<check type="file" condition="exists"
path="%systemroot%\engl.txt" />
This file would need to be place there before of course..., but the OS
Language wouldnt could still be the same this way.
I am in the same boat, mainly german system with a handfull of english
Post by Ulli Conrad
Hi Holger,
Post by Holger Kröber
the majority of our users needs the german version of firefox or
But a small percentage needs the en-us version. How you guys manage this?
Do you download and deploy multiple localized versions of the installer
(with multiple wpkg packages, e.g. thunderbird_de-de, thunderbird_en-us
Same case here.
I use two packages: One for international workgroup members (or their
computers of course) and one for german speaking users.
- Ulli -
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
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SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
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Stefan Pendl
2016-04-08 17:31:35 UTC
Post by Dave Evans
of course the difficulty might be that WPKG runs in the SYSTEM context,
which might not reflect the user context
in the particular case of installing Thunderbird, I notice that the file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\install.log
Locale : en-GB
which I'm guessing (you'd have to check) is the language it was
installed in, regardless of which Locale the operating system is set to
the tip about reading the LCID is also useful (remembering that that
might not be what the user sees)
The problem is that you cannot install multiple languages, so your best
bet is to use the language of the system.

<package id="Firefox" name="Mozilla Firefox" revision="%PKG_VER%"
reboot="false" priority="100">
<!-- higher priority is used to install before Java and Flash
Player without defining a dependency -->
<!-- set version variables -->
<variable name="PKG_VER" value="45.0.1" />
<!-- set destination folder -->
<variable name="PKG_DEST" value="%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla
Firefox" architecture="x86"/>
<variable name="PKG_DEST" value="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Mozilla
Firefox" architecture="x64"/>
<!-- default language is English -->
<variable name="PKG_LNG" value="en-us"/>
<!-- overwrite default language for German systems -->
<variable name="PKG_LNG" value="de" lcid="407,c07,1407,1007,807"/>

<check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal"
path="Mozilla Firefox .+" value="%PKG_VER%" />

<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox Setup
%PKG_VER% %PKG_LNG%.exe" /S' /> <upgrade include="install" /> <remove cmd='"%PKG_DEST%\uninstall\helper.exe" /s' /> <remove cmd="%ComSpec% /c ping -n 11 localhost &gt;NUL 2&gt;NUL" />
*Stefan P.*

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Johan Ho
2016-04-11 09:06:30 UTC
I can't help but wonder, would it not be simpler to just install
Thunderbird in the "majority language", and then help the minority
language users to switch language in their own Thunderbird profile f.ex.
using Simple Locale Switcher:

Since language packs are installed the same way as addons, I assume that
with this method, the setting should be stored in their Thunderbird
profile. So it should work across computers if you're using roaming
profiles, and it would not be dependent on what language version of
Thunderbird is installed on each machine, or if a machine is reinstalled
with the "wrong" language version of Thunderbird.

I might be wrong though, since I haven't actually tested this myself.

Johan Ho
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
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Holger Kröber
2016-04-11 09:29:24 UTC

i would also prefer this method. But with the simple locale switcher you
also have to download the
language pack (and update it at least on major version changes or does
Thunderbird update the
installed languages packs automatically?)
If you don´t want to use an addon, another solution is to just install
the language pack
and then use general.useragent.locale (prefs.js or about:config).

Does anybody figured out something to do this with a script etc.?
Another design question is, if you install the LP globaly (for all
users) or in the thunderbird profile of the user.

I think wpkg is not designed to scope it to user accounts, but to
computer names.

Post by Johan Ho
I can't help but wonder, would it not be simpler to just install
Thunderbird in the "majority language", and then help the minority
language users to switch language in their own Thunderbird profile
Since language packs are installed the same way as addons, I assume
that with this method, the setting should be stored in their
Thunderbird profile. So it should work across computers if you're
using roaming profiles, and it would not be dependent on what language
version of Thunderbird is installed on each machine, or if a machine
is reinstalled with the "wrong" language version of Thunderbird.
I might be wrong though, since I haven't actually tested this myself.
Johan Ho
SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
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SSLrack - get your cheap cheap SSL certificates (standard, wildcard, EV)
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