[wpkg-users] Any C++ developers arround?
2016-10-06 22:53:04 UTC
i was wondering if there are any c++ developers arround here who could
help/advise on an idea i had.

I was wondering if it would be possible to add an option to cancel the
bootup execution of wpkg-gp?

3 seconds timout when the user would be able to press esc and cancel
the execution before it starts.
This should be configureable of course.

I understand what the gpe dll of wpkg-gp does but i don't know
anything about really coding in c++. Would this even be possible to
implement considering the gpe limitations?

I could implement it in the service part of wpkg-gp but this would
basicly be a low level keylogger, even if its only enabled for a short
period during the boot up execution this is still something i don't
really feel comfortable about adding.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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