[wpkg-users] WPKG-GP Mod 0.17.16 - PLEASE UPDATE!
Nils Thiele
2016-11-04 13:09:05 UTC

i just noticed a huge problem with a change in my wpkg-gp modification
compared to the original release.

I change the mount function to map the drive to a letter because i had
problem with disconnecting the drive after wpkg is done on my
development system.

Now i noticed that this drive will show up for every user while wpkg-gp
is accessing it as "disconnected drive", despite its name every user on
the pc is able to access it while wpkg is running! This could be a huge
risk because depending on the rights the user used for connected the
drive, also users could read stored license keys.

I hope nobody is running this in production yet and and if those update
to the latest release immediatly where i have reverted my changes:


For some reason the problems i had before are gone as well and the drive
sucessfully disconnected on my development system, i guess it was caused
by something else.

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